Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Greatest Thing to Fear

Have I mentioned I'm terrified of heights?  I am.  And Multnomah Falls is a great place to remember that.  I have been there in real life.  And I have ventured onto the bridge and had to be led off with my eyes straight ahead and someone I trusted holding my hand. I still remember that feeling.

You know, that feeling isn't really all that bad.  There's a lot of thrill and a certain rush from doing something frightening.  This week, I challenge you to do something that scares you.  It doesn't have to be about weight loss.  But it can be. 

Maybe what scares you is putting on exercise clothes for the first time.  Or asking your boss for that raise that you have earned and never received.  Or getting the medical test that confirms you are diabetic. Or finally standing up to that person who puts you down and saying "I am better than that.  I don't deserve this." Even if it's you. Or enrolling for that class. Or just walking all the way across a bridge.  Whatever it is, don't let fear stop you from doing something that will make your life better.  Take some time, figure out what fear has been stealing from you.  Then go out and reclaim it. And take that thrill and rush and adrenalin that the fear gives you and welcome it.  It's like a roller coaster ride - it's supposed to scare you and at the end, you know you'll be all right.  In the meantime - isn't it fun?

If you don't know you'll be all right - think of the worst thing that could happen.  Can you live with that?  Can you survive it and still go on?  And are you willing to risk it?  If so - then you will be all right.  And now it's time to own your fear - and take back what's yours!

Checking in 1/29/14

I apologize for the delay.  I had limited internet access yesterday.  So today I am calling for check-ins!  If anyone has any miles to add, please let me know.

For myself, I walked 18 miles this last week.  We reached Multnomah Falls!  Hooray!  Multnomah Falls, for those who don't know it, is on the Columbia River Gorge.  I'll show you.

(my sister Beth at the foot of Multnomah Falls)

You can see the bridge above the lower half of the falls.  That bridge is a loooong way up.  It's a beautiful bridge with a beautiful view - if you aren't terrified of heights, like me.  I prefer standing at the bottom and looking up. :)

See you next week!